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New Signature Series: Discmania C-Line Lizotte Golden Wings Sky God P2

Tour / Promotions

Earlier this year, we released the very popular Discmania C-Line P2 Lizotte Sky God. With a stamp designed by Manuel Trujillo, the Sky God adorned our gemstone level colors to bring you one of the most popular discs of the year.

For a limited time, a special run of the Sky God has returned, but this one with a dual color stamp highlighted by the golden wings.

Golden Sky God

Each Golden Wings Sky God P2 has the wings stamped with the Reflective Gold foil while the Sky God himself will come in various colors which you can select from along with the color of the disc.

The end result is a stunning visual effect that can only be fitting for a disc such as the C-Line P2.

How to Purchase a Golden Wings Sky God

If you missed out on the Sky God the first time around, this is your chance. The Discmania C-Line Golden Wings Lizotte P2 will be available on Wednesday, October 10 worldwide at the Discmania Store and in Europe at InnovaStore.

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