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Discmania hits Australia

A little over a week until the Australian Disc Golf Championships and we've got our two Disc Golf missionaries - Discmania CEO Jussi Meresmaa & Juho Rantalaiho making their way towards the tournament site. Before touching down at Tasmania, where the tournament is held this year, our boys stopped by at Perth to meet & greet our local retailer, Down Under Disc golf Revolution or DUDE. Make sure to check them out if you happen to be in the neighborhood!

We at Discmania are all about getting worldwide exposure to the great game of Disc Golf and what would be a greater place for Disc Golf than Australia with it's vast untapped areas and laid-back atmosphere. Our boys also introduced the sport to some native inhabitants of Australia as you can see from the photos below. They were seemingly interested in this sport - some of them even had they're own built-in bags suitable for keeping your favorite putter always at hand ;D

Discmania KangarooDiscmania KangaroosDiscmania Koala

We'll do our best keeping you posted on stuff going on down under, as the main event of Australian Disc Golf is drawing near. Best way to stay updated is to follow the tournament website. We'll also possibly be posting some stuff & pics from the tournament to our facebook-page, so might want to go ahead and click that like-button if you haven't already.

BTW: If you want to grab yourself a fundraiser disc supporting the tournament, at least Finnish retailers still have some left ;)

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