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Discmania Combine Returns with Three Events in 2018

Tour / Promotions

The Discmania Combine started out as an idea to help us find the next wave of disc golf talent. Little did we know the level of talent that was waiting for us and the impact the new team members would have on the disc golf scene.

The Discmania Combine is the main route to land a spot on Team Discmania and join the company of world class disc golfers such as Simon Lizotte, Eagle McMahon, Nate Perkins, Grady Shue, and more. In fact, we found Shue through the 2016 Discmania Combine and he was just named 2017 PDGA Rookie of the Year.

Last year, we signed up four new team members through the Combine: Bart Kowalewski, Tuomas Hyytiäinen, Bob Kulchuk, and Dustin Ryalls. Will your name be on that list for 2018?

As in the past, Team Discmania's Avery Jenkins will serve as the lead coach for the Combine. Guidance and mentorship by Jenkins is just one element of our team development. We keep constant communication to our team and offer training resources at the ultimate level. Just ask Lizotte and McMahon about their Switzerland Bootcamp.

This year we have three Combine events:






Be sure to register now to secure your spot at one of our Combine events.


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