With having our own Discmania production facility, we are finally in a position where we can be much more transparent with Discmania production information. With that said, it’s our goal to provide you with production updates. Here we go!
Release Season is going strong at Discmania. We are putting out new releases on a monthly basis. Our first Creator Series, Simon Lizotte’s Tilt, flew off the shelves last week, and we could not be happier about that. This was actually our biggest Lizotte release to date!
While we’re really happy with where we have gotten in such a short period of time, we have experienced some bumps in the road during our factory ramp up. The main issue has been delays with machine parts. We are still pushing hard to get more machines up and running before year’s end. It’s expected that we’ll see limited production during these next 4-6 months. We’re hopeful that things will have ramped up come early 2022.
The question on all Discmaniacs minds has been, what is going on with Originals production? We are currently running our first D-Line P2 run and things with that are going very smoothly. You can expect to see the new D-Line P2 stock release to happen in late September or October.Aside from the new P2s, we are also now running our first C-Line discs, the MD3! Early feedback has been great, with many Team Discmania players, including Simon Lizotte, Eagle McMahon and Kyle Klein immediately adding the C-Line MD3 to their bags. Our best estimates are that we’ll see stock C-Line MD3s released in late September or October. There is something very magical about this disc and we couldn’t be more excited for you to get your hands on one.
Creating and re-creating great discs takes time. We have recently been working with the FD and PD mold, both of which have gone through some retooling. The good news is that the FD mold has been tweaked to perfection and is ready for some machine time. We estimate that the production run should take 7-8 weeks, which would put an FD release some time in October or November.
The PD is still in the testing phase, as we haven’t quite gotten it right yet. We want to make it the best and will continue to tweak until it’s just right. You can expect to hear more on the PD with our next production update.
We’ve saved the best news for last, a cherry on top of this production update, if you will. The Cloudbreaker 3 is going in to production this month! After discussing with Eagle and reviewing our release plans, we decided that the first DD3 we are going to make will be Eagle’s Cloudbreaker (3). We’re working very hard to produce these in a new plastic type. Eagle has tested the discs and he’s stoked for what we’ve cooked up. There’s more info to come, but for now you can tentatively count on the Cloudbreaker 3 also taking flight in October or November.

Not to be lost in the excitement of our Originals Line news, we still have a lot happening with the Evolution Line. We had targeted three stock releases for 2021 - Logic, Mutant, Splice. Unfortunately, we have experienced a few setbacks. The Logic release went as planned, with both Soft and Hard versions being both released and well received. The Mutant and Splice on the other hand will be delayed for the foreseeable future due to unexpected production issues. While we work hard to pump these out, you will see a limited run of Mutant releasing soon. The Splice had a limited release in the form of a Primal Run Triumph Series release (shoutout Eagle for that amazing Portland Open victory!). Expect some more clarification with our next production update.ACTIVE
Our Active line-up saw three new releases this Summer (Shogun, Rockstar and Astronaut). All releases have performed well both sales and flight wise, in the market that they are designed for. We expect Active discs to find a lot of new disc golfers around the world, and we are ramping up the Active availability come 2022.SIGNATURE DISCS AND MYSTERY BOXES
One of the most asked questions to us is when we are going to see this or that Signature Series release? Well, they are coming! Currently, we are running Eagle´s new retooled Razor Claw Tactic 2 and Nate Perkin´s new Signature Series release Zen. Right after that, we will move to Kyle Klein and Colten Montgomery´s signature discs. You can expect these releases to be dropping late summer through the fall.Mystery Boxes? Yes, they are coming! A considerable part of our production capability is reserved for Mystery Box discs. The freshest Mystery Boxes made to date are on track to release this winter.

Please note that the production update shared with you today is based on the most recent information available. Problems can and will happen during production (see Mutant and Splice), especially when we strive to make the best discs in the market. That won’t stop us, we’ll keep pressing forward! I will catch you again in a month or so!
PS: There will be one very special surprise coming this Friday…❤️ 🇮🇹